HOLE results for gramicidin channel

HOLE is a program that allows the analysis and visualisation of the pore dimensions of the holes through molecular structures of ion channels Smart et al., 1996. It was written by Oliver Smart while a post doc and independent research fellow at Birkbeck College with the assistance of several students: Guy Coates, Joe Neduvelil, Valeriu Niculae and Xiaonan Wang.

The first application of HOLE was to analyse the pore dimensions of gramicidin A Smart et al., 1993 working with Julia Goodfellow and Bonnie Wallace. Although it was written over 20 years ago, HOLE remains in demand and its main publications have been cited over 800 times.

Over the years HOLE has been hosted in a number of places (occasionally disappearing ☹). On the occasion of the Bonnie Wallace Celebratory Symposium, in celebration of her 65th Birthday HOLE has been given a permanent home at http://www.holeprogram.org/ with the source code being made freely available from github.

Source code

From August 2016 the source code for HOLE is available from github https://github.com/osmart/hole2 under the permissive free software license Apache License, Version 2.0 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Binary Downloads

Current release

Release v2.2.005 on 07 August 2016 released under Apache License, Version 2.0

Previous version

Release v2.2.004 on 24 March 2015 Second release of HOLE from SmartSci (handles large proteins). Please note these builds are (technically) restricted to scientists engaged in not-for-profit research.

Once you have downloaded the tar ball please follow the instructions in the HOLE documentation.


An online version of the documentation supplied with HOLE is available here.


Please contact Oliver Smart for any support queries.